
2024-06-14 来源:旧番剧
Bloomberg: According to local media reports, Uganda is seeking to amend a loan agreement it signed with China in 2015 to ensure the government doesn"t lose control of the nation’s only international airport. Does the foreign ministry have any comment on these negotiations? 汪文斌:乌干达是中国在非洲的重要合作伙伴,中方同包括乌干达在内的非洲国家开展合作,一贯秉持公开透明、平等互利原则。中方根据乌方需求和意愿,在力所能及的范围内为两国合作项目提供融资支持,每一笔资金支持都经过深入的可行性研究和市场化论证,所有贷款协议均由双方通过协商自愿签订,所谓中国金融机构扣押并接管乌方项目和资产纯属恶意揣测,毫无事实依据。
Wang Wenbin: UgandaisChina’s important cooperative partner in Africa. China always follows the principle of openness, transparency, equality and mutual benefit. China has provided financing support to cooperation projects to the best of its capability in light of Uganda’s needs and requests. Every financial supportgoes through in-depth feasibility study and market-based assessment. All those loan agreements have been signed through consultation on a voluntary basis between both sides. The so-called allegation that China’s financial institution will seize and take over Uganda’s project and assets is nothing but ill-intentioned speculation that has no factual grounds. In fact, not a single China-Africa cooperation project has been “taken over” or “confiscated” by China due to debt problems. I do hope Bloomberg can convey this point faithfully to its readership through its report. China is ready to continue infrastructure and other cooperation with African countries including Uganda based on mutual benefits.
