
2024-06-14 来源:旧番剧
随着谈判重启,伊核问题政治外交解决迎来新的契机,同时也面临新的严峻挑战。中方希望有关各方抓住机遇,进一步加大外交努力,充分体现善意和灵活,争取早日取得积极成果。我们对推进谈判进程有以下四点主张: With the resumption of negotiation, the political and diplomatic resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue faces a new opportunity as well as new daunting challenges. China hopes that relevant parties will seize the opportunity, step up diplomatic efforts, demonstrate goodwill and flexibility, and work for positive outcomes at an early date. We have four propositions on advancing the negotiation process.
一是要秉持正确的谈判逻辑。美国作为伊核危机的始作俑者,理应彻底解除所有对伊朗及中国等第三方的非法单边制裁,伊方则在此基础上恢复履行核领域承诺。所有各方均应坚持公平正义,为实现上述目标创造良好条件。 First, we need to uphold the correct negotiating logic. The US, as the culprit of the Iranian nuclear crisis, should naturally remove all illegal unilateral sanctions on Iran and third parties including China. On this basis, Iran will resume compliance with its commitment in the nuclear sector. All parties should uphold fairness and justice and create enabling conditions for realizing the above goals.
