
2024-06-14 来源:旧番剧
二是要尊重各方的正当权益和合理关切。谈判应坚持相互尊重,寻求互利共赢,恢复全面协议各方权利和义务的平衡,促进地区和平稳定。各方同伊开展正当经贸合作的权益应该得到尊重。 Second, we need to respect the legitimate rights, interests and concerns of all sides. The negotiation should be based on mutual respect, seek win-win results, restore the balance between parties’ rights and obligations, and promote regional peace and stability. The rights and interests of all sides in conducting normal economic and trade cooperation with Iran should be respected.
三是要采取务实灵活的谈判策略。中方赞同在既往谈判共识基础上推进谈判。同时,应坚持平等协商,发挥政治智慧,创造性地解决谈判未决问题,争取早日达成协议。 Third, we need to adopt a practical and flexible negotiating strategy. China agrees that the process should be advanced on the basis of consensus reached in past negotiation. At the same time, we should adhere to equal-footed consultation, draw on political wisdom, creatively resolve outstanding issues and strive to reach an agreement at an early date.
四是要坚持政治外交解决方向。各方均应保持客观理性,维护谈判进程,避免过激言行干扰外交努力。 Fourth, we need to adhere to the direction of political and diplomatic resolution. All sides should remain objective and rational, safeguard the negotiation process and avoid disrupting diplomatic efforts with drastic words and actions.
