2024-09-29 来源:旧番剧
Illness comes as fast as wall falling down, but goes as slowly as unravelling a cocoon.
# 擒贼先擒王。
To catch rebels first catch the chief.
# 天下乌鸦一般黑。
All crows are black the world over.
# 人急造反,狗急跳墙。
Desperation drives men to rebel and a dog to jump over a wall.
# 可是你“只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯”。
You’re like “the magistrate who goes in arson but won’t allow common people to light a lamp.”
# 女大十八变。
A girl changes eighteen times before reaching womanhood.
# 清官难断家务事。
Not even good officials can settle family troubles.
# 胖也不是一口儿吃的。
No one grows fat on just one mouthful.
# 好事多磨。
The way to happiness is never smooth.
【# 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。(《论语》)
He who learns but doesn’t think will be lost. He who thinks but not learn will remain puzzled.
# 子以四教:文,行,忠,信。(《论语》)
Confucius taught us four things: literature, good conduct, faithfulness and sincerity.
# 子曰:有教无类。(《论语》)