
2023-06-03 来源:旧番剧
图1所示的框架从三个方面对创业方法的结构化评估进行了总结,加强了不同方法之间的清晰度和可视度,因此,作者才能更高效地识别不同的模式。比如,有了逻辑层次,作者就能够发现与该层次相对应的创业过程方面的想法,也就是提供和讨论涉及创业过程认知方面的想法,比如不确定性管理。这个包含了九个概念维度的框架的发展经历了三个阶段:第一阶段,进行了为期6年的独立评估,发表了两篇的博士论文,提出了创业方法的几个概念维度;第二阶段,独立提出的概念维度被整合到一个持续了五天的研讨会中,并在此期间相互讨论、交换想法以统一框架。其中一些概念维度被合并,以体现更具包容性的维度,比如,“改变的本质”和“代理的地点”这些概念维度被合并形成“重定向能力”,还有一些维度被抛弃,因为它们没有跨越足够多的的创业方法, 比如“依赖历史数据”这个维度,它是计划的一个重要方面。
The entire process reduced the total number of conceptual dimensions to nine. As these nine dimensions were generated inductively from the six established entrepreneurial methods, none of the methods served as a baseline. This aspect of the process allowed for a more objective, unbiased, and generic comparison. In the final stage, the preliminary framework and dimensions were scrutinized by editors and peer reviewers, triggering minor revisions and eventually leading to these nine final dimensions: uncertainty management, resource management, knowledge expansion, redirection power, continuous learning, iterative process, stakeholder interaction, team collaboration, and value creation (see Table 2).
