
2024-06-14 来源:旧番剧
王毅国务委员兼外长就践行真正的多边主义、打造人类命运共同体,尊重各国正当权益和自主选择的发展道路、跳出个别国家的“民主陷阱”,加强全球抗疫合作、共同构建人类卫生健康共同体,推动疫后经济复苏、共同参与全球发展倡议,通过对话协商应对阿富汗、伊朗核等热点问题提出五点看法。拉夫罗夫和苏杰生认为三国应坚定维护联合国核心地位,坚定维护主权平等原则,支持真正和有效的多边主义。当前形势下,三国应加大协调,发出一致声音,释放三国合作潜力。 State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi put forward five suggestions on practicing true multilateralism, building a community with a shared future for mankind, respecting the legitimate rights and interests of all countries and the independent choice of development path, leaping out of the “democracy trap” by certain countries, strengthening global cooperation in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic to jointly build a global community of health for all, promoting post-pandemic economic recovery and participating in the Global Development Initiative, and addressing hotspot issues such as the Afghanistan issue and the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue and consultation. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar said that the three countries should firmly maintain the core position of the United Nations, firmly uphold the principle of sovereign equality, and support true and effective multilateralism. Under the current circumstances, the three countries should step up coordination, speak with one voice and unleash the potential of their trilateral cooperation.
