
2024-06-14 来源:旧番剧
三国外长一致同意保持密切沟通,携手应对时代挑战。俄印支持中国担任明年轮值主席国,愿同中方一道,以会晤举办20周年为契机,进一步提升中俄印合作水平和影响。 The three ministers agreed to maintain close communication and jointly deal with the challenges of the times. Russia and India support China in assuming the rotating presidency next year and stand ready to work with China to take the 20th anniversary of the meeting as an opportunity to further enhance the level and influence of Russia-India-China cooperation.
Bloomberg: Taiwan announced last Friday that it will set up an office in Washington next year to handle veterans affairs. On Sunday, 27 Chinese aircraft entered Taiwan’s “Air Defense Identification Zone”, according to the “Ministry of National Defense” in Taipei. And today Tsai Ing-wen said that Lithuania is expected to open a representative office in Taiwan early next year. Does the foreign ministry have any comment on these new developments ? 汪文斌:
