
2024-06-14 来源:旧番剧
Wang Wenbin: On your first question, the Taiwan question concerns China’s sovereigntyandterritorial integrity and bears on China’s core interests. China’s resolve to uphold its sovereignty and territorial integrity is rock-solidand the historical trend for China to achieve reunification is unstoppable. We advise some in the US not toplay the “Taiwan card” and not to play with fire. Otherwise, they will get burnt and reap what they sow. We also have this stern warning to the Taiwan authorities that trying to solicit foreign support, relying on the US to seek independence and resisting reunification with force will prove a dead end.
你提到的第二个问题不是一个外交问题,请你向主管部门询问。 Your second questionisnotadiplomaticquestion. I would like to refer you to competent authorities.
关于第三个问题,中方已对立陶宛制造“一中一台”错误行径做出了正当、有力回应。中国主权不容侵犯,损害中国主权必将付出应有代价。任何人对此都不应抱有幻想。我们再次正告立方,以实际行动纠正错误,切实履行在涉台问题上所做的政治承诺。 On your third question, China has taken legitimate and strong countermeasures over Lithuania’s erroneous act to create the false impression of “one China, one Taiwan”. China’s sovereignty shallnot be infringed upon. Those who undermine China’s sovereignty will pay the price. No one shouldharborany illusion about this. We once again urgethe Lithuanian side tocorrect its mistakes with concrete actions and earnestly fulfill its political commitment on Taiwan-related issues.
