
2024-06-14 来源:旧番剧


4 《澳门月刊》记者:我们注意到,25日匈牙利外长西雅尔多对美国主办的“民主峰会”提出批评称,该“峰会”具有美国国内政治特征。我们也注意到,中国驻美大使秦刚和俄罗斯驻美大使安东诺夫近期也联名撰文,指出美国自行决定谁是“民主国家”、谁不是,是典型的冷战思维,将在世界上煽动意识形态对立和矛盾,制造新的分裂。请问发言人对此有何评论? Macau Monthly: We noticed that on November 25, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto criticized the “Summit for Democracy” to be hosted by the US, saying it has features of domestic politics of the US. We also noted that Chinese Ambassador to the US Qin Gang and Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov jointly published an opinion article the other day, pointing out that by hosting the summit, the US is empowering itself to define who is a “democratic country” and who is not eligible for such status, which is an evident product of its Cold War mentality that will stoke up ideological confrontation and a rift in the world, creating new “dividing lines”. Do you have any comment? 汪文斌:
