
2024-06-14 来源:旧番剧
一段时间以来,国际上对美国主办所谓“民主峰会”的批评之声一浪高过一浪,这体现了国际社会对美国此举的普遍质疑和反对: Wang Wenbin: Recently there has been a crescendo of criticism around the world of the so-called “Summit for Democracy” to be hosted by the US, which shows that the international community questions and opposes the US move.
一是美国举办“民主峰会”有没有道义性和合法性?美国自身民主状况千疮百孔。有关民调显示,全球44%的人认为美国是全球民主的最大威胁,81%的美国民众认为美国民主面临来自国内的严重威胁。美国是民主的信用透支者,“美式民主”早已破产。美国却还继续打着民主旗号干涉别国内政、侵犯别国主权,违反国际法基本原则和国际关系基本准则。美国举办“民主峰会”既不合理,也不合法,不过是“内病外治”、对外转移美国内问题和矛盾的惯用伎俩。 First, does the US has the moral authority or legitimacy to host the “Summit for Democracy”? The US democracy is in a disastrous state. Relevant survey results show that 44 percent ofrespondents see the US as the biggest threat to global democracy and 81 percent of Americans say there is a serious domestic threat to the future of US democracy. The US has overdrawn its democratic credit and US democracy has long gone bankrupt. However, the US is still using democracy as a cover to interfere in other countries’ domestic affairs, infringe on their sovereignty and violate basic principles of international law and basic norms governing international relations. Its hosting of the “Summit for Democracy” is neither justified nor legitimate, but merely an old trick of trying to shift its domestic problems overseas in an attempt to find a cure.
