
2024-06-14 来源:旧番剧
二是美国举办“民主峰会”到底是为民主还是反民主?一个国家是否民主,归根到底应该由这个国家的人民来评判,而不是由某个外国指手画脚、妄加评论。衡量民主的标准应该看是否符合本国人民的需要,是否使本国人民有足够的参与感、满足感、获得感。美国根据自己的好恶来断定哪些国家民主,哪些国家不民主,用美国一国的尺度来衡量各国民主的好坏,这是把民主“私有化”,是对民主精神的背叛,是地地道道的反民主行径。 Second, is the US hosting of the “Summit for Democracy” a move for or against democracy? Whether a country is democratic or not should be judged by its own people, not by any meddling foreign country. The yardstick of democracy should be whether or not it is consistent with people’s needs and gives them enough sense of participation, satisfaction and gain. The US, however, is determiningwhich countries are democratic and which are not based on its own liking. It is measuring the merits of other countries’ democracy with its own yardstick. This is privatization ofdemocracy. It is a betrayal of the democratic spirit. Nothing could be more undemocratic.
三是美国举办“民主峰会”是真民主还是伪民主?民主是全人类共同价值。各国不仅应在国内提倡民主,也应当支持国际关系民主化和法治化,维护以联合国为核心的国际体系、以国际法为基础的国际秩序。美国打着民主旗号在世界上划分阵营、制造分裂,是醉翁之意不在酒,企图将民主工具化、武器化,借以推进自身地缘战略,是披着民主外衣、行推进霸权之实。 Third, is the US hosting of the “Summit for Democracy” an act of true democracy or pseudo-democracy? Democracy is a common value for all humanity. Countries should not only advocate democracy at home, but also support greater democracy and rule of law in international relations and uphold the UN-centered international system and the international order based on international law. The US is using democracy as a banner to divide the world into opposing camps. Its true intention lies underneath the surface. It is trying to weaponize democracy and use it as tool to advance its geostrategic agenda. It is advancing its hegemony under the guise of democracy.
